Mirna Samac

In addition to duties of a court translator and interpreter, I work as a news anchor, journalist, reporter and the English language instructor.

Mirna Samac

Certified court translator and interpreter


Over 3,000 companies and individuals trust us.

We provide the highest quality and most affordable translation services.

Your documents are not just papers. For us, they are a point of connection and a chance for mutual business progress.

Time is money! We respond to inquiries superfast and we respect both your time and money.


  • DOCUMENTATION DELIVERY (in person, electronically, via mail)
  • AGREEMENT ON THE CONDITIONS OF TRANSLATION/INTERPRETATION (deadlines, scope, method of translation)
  • PAYMENT (cash, bank transfer, upon delivery, advance payment)
  • CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION (information remains strictly confidential)


Cancellation notice up to 3 hours.

In the event of a complaint, we correct the documents as soon as possible, free of charge.

We accept complaints up to 5 days after the delivery of the document.

We are not responsible for errors found in the original document.